Diagonal rainbow-striped background with images of a dove and a scales also words St John Fisher  &  Justice and Peace The logo of the Southwark diocesan Justice an dPeace and Integrity of Creation office

Parish of Saint John Fisher, Merton
Justice and Peace Group

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 Justice and Peace Logo Actively Caring for People

Welcome to our web-site!

Our mission: "To inform ourselves and others in the parish on Justice and Peace issues and to initiate prayer and action where appropriate"

Justice and Peace is very much a theme of the pastoral provision of the Catholic Church throughout the world and the Hierarchy of England and Wales are very supportive of it.  Grass-roots work is carried out by a loose federation of parish groups, supported by diocesan and national organisations.

We are part of the Archdiocese of Southwark

"Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation" https://jpicsouthwark.org.uk/

Our group meets once a month (usually on the 2nd Tuesday and except in August). After a meditation, we have a discussion under the following headings:

 * Informing ourselves  * Informing others  * Planning action


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