Parish Advisory Council

The Parish of St John Fisher, Merton
The Council was formed in the 1980s to provide lay input in assisting the Parish Priest to run the parish.

Membership comprises:
• Paul Spooner (Chairman)

• The Clergy of the Parish

• Four elected members (elections are held every two years)

• About ten representatives drawn from the various parish groups (e.g. St. Vincent de Paul, Teams of Our Lady, Uniform Groups, Liturgy Committee etc.)

A chairman and vice chairman are elected annually from the membership and a secretary is appointed by the Parish Priest.

The Council meets four times a year and organises a Parish Annual Meeting. All parishioners are invited to attend the latter meeting and may attend council meetings as observers.
Parish Council 2021

2021 St John Fisher Parish Council

Minutes from Meeting

Meeting agendas and minutes are displayed in the narthex.

The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Monday 11th October at 8pm in the Church Hall. The minutes from the meeting will be available to view after the meeting.
Please clich here to view the PAC constitution

Thank You For Visiting